Migrate to v11

Migrate to v11

A lot changed in v11 but this time we've tried to keep the breaking changes small. The biggest change is the new package name reactflow and the new repo structure. React Flow is now managed as a monorepo and separated into multiple packages that can be installed separately. In addition to that, there are some API changes and new APIs introduced in v11. This guide explains the changes in detail and helps you to migrate from v10 to v11.

React Flow 11 only works with React 17 or greater

New Features

  • Better Accessibility
    • Nodes and edges are focusable, selectable, moveable and deleteable with the keyboard.
    • aria- default attributes for all elements and controllable via ariaLabel options
    • Keyboard controls can be disabled with the new disableKeyboardA11y prop
  • Better selectable edges via new edge option: interactionWidth - renders invisible edge that makes it easier to interact
  • Better routing for smoothstep and step edges: https://twitter.com/reactflowdev/status/1567535405284614145 (opens in a new tab)
  • Nicer edge updating behaviour: https://twitter.com/reactflowdev/status/1564966917517021184 (opens in a new tab)
  • Node origin: The new nodeOrigin prop lets you control the origin of a node. Useful for layouting.
  • New background pattern: BackgroundVariant.Cross variant
  • useOnViewportChange hook - handle viewport changes within a component
  • use-on-selection-change hook - handle selection changes within a component
  • useNodesInitialized hook - returns true if all nodes are initialized and if there is more than one node
  • Deletable option for Nodes and edges
  • New Event handlers: onPaneMouseEnter, onPaneMouseMove and onPaneMouseLeave
  • Edge pathOptions for smoothstep and default edges
  • Nicer cursor defaults: Cursor is grabbing, while dragging a node or panning
  • Pane moveable with middle mouse button
  • Pan over nodes when they are not draggable (draggable=false or nodesDraggable false)
    • you can disable this behaviour by adding the class name nopan to a wrapper of a custom node
  • <BaseEdge /> component that makes it easier to build custom edges
  • Separately installable packages
    • @reactflow/core
    • @reactflow/background
    • @reactflow/controls
    • @reactflow/minimap

Breaking Changes

1. New npm package name

The package react-flow-renderer has been renamed to reactflow.


// npm install react-flow-renderer
import ReactFlow from 'react-flow-renderer';


// npm install reactflow
import ReactFlow from 'reactflow';

2. Importing CSS is mandatory

We are not injecting CSS anymore. React Flow won't work if you are not loading the styles!

// default styling
import 'reactflow/dist/style.css';
// or if you just want basic styles
import 'reactflow/dist/base.css';

2.1. Removal of the nocss entrypoint

This change also means that there is no react-flow-renderer/nocss entry point anymore. If you used that, you need to adjust the CSS entry points as mentioned above.

3. defaultPosition and defaultZoom have been merged to defaultViewport


import ReactFlow from 'react-flow-renderer';
const Flow = () => {
  return <ReactFlow defaultPosition={[10, 15]} defaultZoom={5} />;
export default Flow;


import ReactFlow from 'reactflow';
const defaultViewport: Viewport = { x: 10, y: 15, zoom: 5 };
const Flow = () => {
  return <ReactFlow defaultViewport={defaultViewport} />;
export default Flow;

4. Removal of getBezierEdgeCenter, getSimpleBezierEdgeCenter and getEdgeCenter

In v10 we had getBezierEdgeCenter, getSimpleBezierEdgeCenter and getEdgeCenter for getting the center of a certain edge type. In v11 we changed the helper function for creating the path, so that it also returns the center / label position of an edge.

Let's say you want to get the path and the center / label position of a bezier edge:


import { getBezierEdgeCenter, getBezierPath } from 'react-flow-renderer';
const path = getBezierPath(edgeParams);
const [centerX, centerY] = getBezierEdgeCenter(params);


import { getBezierPath } from 'reactflow';
const [path, labelX, labelY] = getBezierPath(edgeParams);

We avoid to call it centerX and centerY anymore, because it's actually the label position and not always the center for every edge type.

5. Removal of onClickConnectStop and onConnectStop


import ReactFlow from 'react-flow-renderer';
const Flow = () => {
  const onConnectStop = () => console.log('on connect stop');
  return (
export default Flow;


import ReactFlow from 'reactflow';
const Flow = () => {
  const onConnectEnd = () => console.log('on connect stop');
  return (
export default Flow;

6. Pan over nodes

In the previous versions you couldn't pan over nodes even if they were not draggable. In v11, you can pan over nodes when nodesDraggable=false or node option draggable=false. If you want the old behaviour back, you can add the class name nopan to the wrappers of your custom nodes.